Idaho Knights of Columbus Our goal is to strengthen men and their families in the Catholic faith. Formation in our faith goes beyond mere facts or religious practice to an authentic connection with a loving God and his son Jesus Christ.
Idaho Family
Families are the building blocks of our parishes and, indeed, our Faith. By including them in our mission we can renew the Church’s energy for evangelization and insure the sustainability of our Order. Here you’ll find just a few of the ways we can begin doing this, for it will always be a work-in-progress.
Family Programs
Father McGivney sought to strengthen the bonds of families in his parish and the Knights of Columbus. These programs, created for families by families, help us to live this call.

Food for Families
Help end hunger in communities across Idaho.

Keep Christ in Christmas
Promote the true spirit of Christmas in our homes, schools, parishes and communities through Idaho.

Family of the Month/Year
Each month, Idaho councils select a Family of the Month from its parish family that models Christian family values and visibly lives them every day.

Family Week
A week dedicated to celebrate our families.